Сердце тропиков...Вдохновение по заданию от Юлии VasILek.

августа 09, 2018

Здравствуйте, дорогие друзья! 
Мы продолжаем небывалое вдохновение по нашему заданию "Тропики" 
и сегодня свою тайну тропиков приоткроет Юля VasILek.

Здравствуйте дорогие и любимые!  Коллекция "Тропикана" прекрасна и сложна для меня одновременно, но... высечки из этой коллекции настолько вдохновляющие, что могут создать тропики прямо у вас дома. 
Хочу сказать, что порой у меня наступает кризис в творчестве, когда ты запутался и не понимаешь что хочешь сделать, когда идей практически нет. И вот тогда я ухожу в полный полет творчества и нестандарта) Сегодня пора приоткрыть маленький секрет...
Открываю чемодан, нахожу множества забытых вещей и вдруг передо мной появляется Сердце тропиков!

Когда-то давно забытая легенда у меня в руках...это то, что когда-то помнили но скрыли от других ради жизни.
Реликвия секретов, на которую неспешно присела уязвимая и прекрасная бабочка.

Где сами корни и лианы соединили всё воедино...
Мне хотелось добиться легкости самой природы. Здесь много моих рисунков, почеркушек и и экспрессии красками, спреями и чернилами. Прочь рамки, оставлю лишь творчество...
А теперь я поведаю вам легенду:
"Где-то в неведанных лесах, скрытое от чужих глаз, удивительное существо хранит самое ценное и прекрасное сердце тропиков. Сердце обладало величайшим даром, оно могло создавать жизнь, давало дом и счастье всему живому. Многие верили, что завладев сердцем они завладеют особым даром созерцания."

"Они погибали в поисках недосягаемого, затерявшись в диких местах. Тропики охраняли всеми силами своё сердце. Но как оно выглядело никто не знал, тайна которая еще больше привлекала и сводила с ума."

Смотрите как пальмовые листымонстера и тропические листья сплелись воедино. И сердце поблескивает в лучах солнца.
"Во время поисков можно было увидеть чудесные и опасные иллюзии. Птицы, звери и всё живое строили ловушки на пути искателям... "

Сам альбом состоит из множества конвертиков, куда можно положить снимки и памятные вещи, а может быть что-то еще. Решать вам. Листаем дальше и история продолжается:
"Но однажды, кто-то посмел найти и дотронуться до сердца... и всё живое стало угасать и погибать. Птицы покидали прекрасные просторы. Мгла иссушала тропики. Цветы потухали, листья чернели и наступала тишина..."

Лотосы склонили черные головы, жизнь их покидает.
" Случилось ужасное и непоправимое...тропики надолго погрузились в печальную тьму. Где же их сокровище? Где сердце тропиков? и Что же будет дальше?..."
Ответа нет, он исчез или еще не всё потеряно! Давайте вместе с вами закончим историю))) 
А пока нашу тайну спрячем, чтобы однажды дописать её и спасти сердце тропиков.

Вот такая получилась история забытого прошлого. Я рада, что мне удалось разделить секрет с вами. 
Присоединяйтесь и вы к нашему заданию
Спасибо большое и до скорых встреч!
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102 коммент.

  1. чудесная история, я так ждала про большой лист пару слов, что это? ткань?

    1. Аня спасибо огромное)Это зефирный фоамиран, тонированный акрилом. Так хотела написать и увлеклась историей, что забыла описать монстеру)

    2. она восхитительна, я сразу ее заприметила и так ждала пост...

  2. Ох какой альбом❤❤❤ наконец-то я дождалась! Каждый разворот как загалка. И очень хочется узнать что же дальше! а история))) там случайно Моана из Матануи не появится?)))

    1. Ахах, Ксюю дааа вдохновилась я этим мультиком ненашутку)))Спасибо дорогая, я безумно рада что оправдала твои ожидания)))

  3. О! Мы только вчера Моану пересматривали, до чего волшебный мультик! А момент, когда она ещё крошка и вышла к океану, мой любимый)))
    Юль, ты наше сокровище, в EcoPaper, это точно ;)
    Так держать!

    1. Олечка даа мульт великолепен)))спасибо за столь приятные слова!!!обнимаю)

  4. Альбом просто Васильковое чудо!))
    очень трепетный, загадочный и чудесный...))

    как важно иметь в доме чемодан...)) для скрапера особенно))

    1. Нина благодарю от всей души)))чемодан достался от бабушки, а ведь его хотели выкинуть!!это вещь конечно)))

  5. Удивительная вещь получилась, Юля! Первый раз просто посмотрела фото и ничего не поняла... а во второй уже вдумчиво, вчитываясь в каждое предложение. Шикарно! Восхищаюсь и удивляюсь, где ты черпаешь такие образы и идеи! Фрагмент с мерцающим сердцем заслуживает отдельных эпитетов, поэтому просто "Браво!")))))

    1. 😅😅😅матушка моя, видать я переборщила с образами🤔спасибо моя дорогая))мне кадется текст тоже важен чтобы создать образ целиком)

    2. Юленька, конкретно в этом случае без текста это просто набор образов. Так что ты не переборщила)))) творец так чувствует, а каждый видит что видит😂

  6. Каждый раз удивляешь и восхищаешь... Рада знакомству с тобой и твоим творчеством. Ты необыкновенная!

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  15. value, and consideration (DEI) change plans. However, my continuous examination into corporate DEI rehearses proposes that there is a wide abyss isolating those associations accomplishing DEI work and those that are really esteeming the DEI work being finished.DQFanSurvey

  16. If so, you may enter the Acme Markets Survey at www.acmemarkets.com/survey for a chance to win a $100 gift card. visit here Acme Markets Survey

  17. Taco Bell is a multinational network of fast food restaurants that offers a survey called TellTheBell. Customers of www.tellthebell.com can earn prizes for reviewing the services they use. visit here TellTheBell Survey

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  25. By deciding to partake in this review, you get an opportunity to leave significant and significant criticism about your new visit to the store. visit here Tellmurphyusa Survey

  26. Participants agree that the Sponsor and its representatives may use their name, address, and other information indefinitely as a result of their participation.
    visit here DGcustomerfirst Survey

  27. Fast food establishment Jack In The Box is well known for its hamburgers and tacos. Robert O. Peterson established the business in 1951, and the first eatery was launched in San Diego, California.
    visit here JackListens.com

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    Visit here Globalsubways Survey

  29. Customers at Dollar General will receive a free bonus set of the same product category as a promotional gift when they buy any of the following items.
    Visit here DGCustomerFirst.com Survey

  30. Customers will have the opportunity to voice any complaints they may have regarding the calibre of the services provided by the company by viewing the poll results on the company website.

    Visit here DGCustomerFirst Survey

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  35. Therefore, do our Caribou Coffee Customer Service Survey and use your thoughts and counsel to encourage them to advance steadily.
    visit here TellCaribou Survey

  36. The offer indicated on the survey invitation may be redeemed using the validation code that participants will get after completing the survey. Visit here Tsclistens

  37. By using this questionnaire, the company hopes to meet the needs of its clients by listening to their suggestions and comments about its offerings. Visit here Talktofoodlion

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  39. focus groups, or even through specialized mobile applications that capture audio feedbackhttps://talktosonice.shop/

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  46. If you have visited the Hannaford recently, you are qualified to take part in this poll. Visit here Talktohannaford.com Survey

  47. JAB Group, which has a commercial interest in both Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, Inc., an American bun association, and a small coffee-serving restaurant chain.
    Visit here Krispykremelistens Survey


  48. Employee Recognition: Customers can use TalktoHannaford to recognize and appreciate exceptional service from Hannaford employees, fostering a positive work environment. https://talktohannaford.shop/

  49. Yes, subject to certain requirements, Lowe's is providing survey respondents with a $500 check. Let's be aware of it. Visit here Lowes.com/survey

  50. Since its establishment in the 1880s, Kroger has worked to achieve its stated goal of "customer satisfaction" by whatever means necessary.
    Visit here KrogerFeedback Survey

  51. It won't take you long to provide shrewd critiques of the supermarket store. You can receive rewards for sharing your Burger King experience, thus visiting the restaurant is well worth the money spent.
    Visit here MyBKExperience Survey

  52. Each participant may complete the TalktoWendys survey in a very short amount of time, and there are several survey awards available. Furthermore, by taking part in the TalktoWendys survey, you may guarantee that future visits to Wendy's will result in higher customer satisfaction.
    Visit here TalktoWendys Survey

  53. If you are a regular customer of the store, you should have ten minutes to complete this survey. Customers are urged to complete this overview by Culver's, and they expect you to be truthful and certified when doing so.
    Visit here Tellculvers Survey

  54. In this comprehensive guide, we'll go over everything you need to know about Subway Listens, including the quick and easy steps to finish the survey and receive your free cookie reward.
    Visit here SubwayListens.com Survey

  55. The Firehouse Subs Customer Satisfaction Survey on Firehouselistens.com is linked to the online response survey that Firehouse Subs provides. It measures your satisfaction with the products and services that Firehouse Subs provides for a single visitor.
    Visit here FirehouseListens Survey

  56. Finding out how happy customers are with the services offered by the company is the aim of this extensive customer satisfaction survey.
    Visit here DGCustomerFirst.com Survey

  57. Through the online survey platform WalgreensListens, you can participate in the survey and enter to win some very worthwhile prizes.
    Visit here WalgreensListens Survey

  58. Customers can provide their opinions on a range of topics, including employee conduct, store appearance, product quality, and general service, by filling out this survey. Customers can enter to win a $500 Stop & Shop gift card by participating. Visit here TalkToStopAndShop survey

  59. TalkToiHop is an online marketing initiative designed to investigate the diverse demands of consumers. All customers are required to accurately complete the straightforward inquiries in this official survey in order to offer their unique thoughts about IHOP.
    Visit here Talktoihop.com Survey

  60. Finding out how satisfied you were overall with these points from your most recent visit is the major objective of my Long John Silver Survey. Visit here MyLongJohnSilversExperience survey

  61. Because of this, their esteemed clients are invited to participate in the Noodles & Company Guest Satisfaction Survey. Not only does it aid in the analysis and enhancement of Noodles & Company services, but it also offers a chance to win Noodles & Company coupons.
    Visit here Tellnoodles Survey

  62. You are free to express your preferences on the business, the employees, and the neighborhood.
    Visit here PartycityFeedback.com Survey

  63. The primary advantage of completing the Papa Murphy's survey is that your input will enable your neighborhood PapaMurphy restaurant to enhance the areas you believe need improvement. Visit here PapaSurvey.com Survey

  64. You may find the order number, date, time, and restaurant number on the receipt. This data will be inserted prior to starting the survey. Visit here MyWingStopSurvey.com Survey

  65. Therefore, in order to improve it, the company intends to use this information to identify what is and is not working. PepBoyssurvey

  66. By answering this survey, you will have the opportunity to provide insightful comments regarding your most recent experiences. The company is eager to hear your thoughts so they can figure out what works and what doesn't. Visit here BagelExperience.com Survey

  67. After that, go to DunkinRunsOnYou.com, the official website. By completing the customer satisfaction survey, you can get complimentary donuts. Visit here DunkinRunsOnYou Survey


  68. chicken breasts was something that Cathy experimented with since it reminded her of her mother’s approach of frying chicken with a thick cover to help maintain heat and moisture. As it turned out, the experiment was a hit with the participants.


  69. These offers may consist of coupons that may be utilized to save money on your next visit to the store or a $100 complimentary meal on your next visit within a specific time limit. Visit here TellHappyStar Survey

  70. Following completion of the Customer Feedback Form for What a Burger survey Free Whataburger Coupons will be sent to you to spend on your next purchase. Visit here WhataburgerVisit.com Survey

  71. I suggest contacting the PointClickCare support staff or the IT department at your facility if you're a certified nursing assistant and need help logging into your PointClickCare CNA account. Visit Pointclickcare

  72. Either myhbvisit- com or myhbvisit.co.uk will take you to the fundamental page. Utilizing both of these URLs will ship you straightforwardly to the Myhbvisit survey, where you can move began immediately. Take MyHBVisit Survey

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  75. This brief study, the Chick-fil-A customer experience survey, gathers people's thoughts. The organization examines the responses to determine what customers find appealing and areas for improvement. MyCFAVisit

  76. Participating in the survey that Hannaford has made available may be done by going to the official Hannaford survey website, which can be found at https://talktohannaford500.shop/

  77. Perceiving its assorted client base, DQFanFeedback might offer multilingual help. This element permits clients to finish the overview in their favored language, guaranteeing that language obstructions don't frustrate their capacity to give criticism. dqfanfeedback com

  78. jacklistens - Jack In The Container Client Overview
    The prizes are given as an appreciation for participating in the overview, they are giving every one of the members an approval code to guarantee their two free tacos.

  79. The Cracker Barrel Old Country Store offers an online customer satisfaction survey at www.CrackerBarrel-survey.com that gauges how satisfied customers are with the restaurant and retail store's services and goods. visit here Crackerbarrelsurvey

  80. This is a classic DQ® treat, featuring soft-serve ice cream dipped in chocolate. It's a simple, sweet reward for taking the time to help Dairy Queen® improve its customer experience. DQFanSurvey

  81. These may include inquiries about product availability, store cleanliness, staff behavior, and overall satisfaction. Answer all the questions honestly based on your experience. TalkToStopAndShop

  82. TellMaurices.com is an online survey platform designed for Maurices customers to provide feedback on their shopping experiences. By completing the survey, participants have the chance to enter sweepstakes for potential rewards. The survey helps Maurices improve their services based on customer input.Take Maurices Survey/a>

  83. Engage with Boston Market's customer feedback platform to share your experience. Your input helps shape future visits and ensures continued quality in both service and food. Take part in the survey to let us know how we’re doing

  84. There are a lot of Kohl's stores located all around the United States. There is a supermarket and food shop there. KohlsFeedback.com Survey

  85. Additionally, like the large corporations, the Taco Bell store has created its own survey, which they refer to as the "TellTheBell survey." Visit here TellTheBell Survey

  86. By improving its meals and altering its customer service, Taco Bell will be able to better serve its regular customers. Visit here TellTheBell Survey

  87. Food and service quality must be upheld at a high level by a large restaurant chain like Del Taco. The customer satisfaction survey is the finest instrument for this. Myopinion.deltaco.com
